Radiant Panels


Under certain conditions between bodies with different temperatures heat exchanges occur. A body with a high temperature transfers from its heat to another body with a lower temperature. As the temperature passes from a warmer body to a colder one, the warm body’s temperature decreases, and the cold body’s temperature rises.

There is no heat exchange between bodies with the same temperature.

The phenomenon of the heat passing from one body to another is called heat transfer.

There are three types of heat transfer: by conduction, convection and radiation.

Heat transfer by thermal conduction is the phenomenon of heat transfer from a warm body to a colder one being in direct contact with each other.

Heating by convection represents a process in which heat passes through a fluid (air, water) and a solid warmed up body (an electrical resistor).

Infrared radiation has been discovered by the German physician, composer and astronomer William Herschel, in the year 1800. Herschel has discovered that when light passes through a glass prism is separated in a specter of colors. Measuring the temperature of each color he has observed that temperature rises from the blue color towards the red color, discovering at the same time that under color red appears a radiation with a much higher level of temperature. He named that thermal radiation infrared radiation, that is radiation under red (infra in Latin = under).

Herschel has discovered radiation in 1800, but it exists since forever and people felt its benefic qualities over the time. Radiation warms up both us and the surrounding bodies. In winter time on a sunny day we can sunbathe on the snow, although the surrounding temperature is far below zero, this delight is due to the infrared radiation emitted by the sun.

The first applications of infrared radiations heating were in the automotive industry at dye drying furnaces. The system of Radiant Panels heating copies on a reduced scale the action of infrared radiations emitted by the sun. Thermal waves achieved electromagnetically transmit directly thermal energy and without transport losses to all solid bodies from the radiation area. Inside the rooms the infrared radiations warm up both living and amorphous bodies, and also the walls of the rooms, the latter at their turn transfer temperature to the environment until a thermal balance is reached. Infrared radiations do not warm up the air within the room, because they have another frequency than the air molecules. As radiations warm us up directly, we will always feel a temperature higher by 2-3 Celsius degrees than the one of the environment, so in order to have a good thermal comfort, there is no need to heat up a room to a temperature as high as the one needed in case of heating by convection. It has been proved that in case of electric heating the rated power of converting electrical energy into heat by radiation is about 97%, and by convection about 70%.

Advantages of Radiant Panels heating

Infrared radiations emitted by Radiant Panels heat up directly the walls of the rooms, assuring this way a controlled humidity of the environment, which leads to the elimination of dampness and mold from the rooms with excessive humidity.

Infrared heating does not create air currents to generate dust movement, which would cause problems to people with asthma or other respiratory deficiencies.

The effect of direct heating on people leads to a better blood circulation that generates in-depth heating of the body, and not a limited heating on the surface as in the case of heating by convection.

The radiant panel system is cheaper as primary investment than the other types of heating, eliminating the installation costs of a boiler that uses a conventional source of energy.

The radiant panel system eliminates the costs and shortcomings created by the installation of radiators, of hot water supply networks of radiators, or the building of a chimney, where appropriate.
Radiant panel heating is a totally ecological system, as there are no pollutant residues of any nature occurring.

Radiant Panels may be set up on side walls, on the ceiling, or by means of auxiliary mounting supports they may be set up on the floor or on different bodies which allow us heating that area (offices, chairs, tables, …). They may be used is wet environments, bathrooms or pools, assuring this way humidity control.

There is no need of special approvals to put it into operation.

A high reliability is assured as there are no parts in movement.
The set up is very simple: two screws for fastening on the wall the mounting supports that the panel is equipped with and then they may be connected to the mains and started. The panels may be installed both vertically and horizontally.

For a better management of electricity costs, the Radiant Panels are connected to the mains by means of an ambient thermostat.

Simple maintenance: it should be cleaned once a month with a dry soft cloth after it has been disconnected from the mains.

Prisma Info Company produces three types of Radiant Panels:

  1. SMART Radiant Panels – with special destination for domestic environment
  2. Protector industrial Radiant Panels – intended for heating big size rooms: industrial halls, agricultural halls, productions workshops, car washes, churches, cinemas, …
  3. Radiant Panels with quart tubes – intended for heating terraces, kiosks, balconies, bathrooms

SMART Radiant Panels

Smart Radiant Panels are completely manufactured by Prisma Company, functioning in long wavelength range of infrared radiations at a temperature on surface of 120 degrees Celsius, which confers them a better emission of infrared radiations, than of the imported ones that function at 80 degrees temperature.

Smart Radiant Panels are manufactured in 7 typo-sizes:

350W SMART Radiant Panels

  • The front panel is made of pickled plate sheet powder-coated.
  • The casing is made of non-corrosive plate sheet, assuring heat reflection to the front panel.
  • Lifetime monitoring LED
  • Standard colors: white, black.
  • The material of the heating element is provided by the company Kanthal from Sweden
  • All panel models are provided with metallic frames.
  • Panels are delivered with fastening elements already assembled.
  • Protection level IP60

Size 595 x 595 x 37
Total power: 350W
Input voltage: 24 V
Warranty period: 4 years

550W SMART Radiant Panels

  • The front panel is made of pickled plate sheet powder-coated.
  • The casing is made of non-corrosive plate sheet, assuring heat reflection to the front panel.
  • Lifetime monitoring LED
  • Standard colors: white, black.
  • The material of the heating element is provided by the company Kanthal from Sweden
  • All panel models are provided with metallic frames.
  • Panels are delivered with fastening elements already assembled.
  • Protection level IP60

Size 700 x 500 x 37
Total power: 550W
Input voltage: 230 V
Warranty period: 4 years

750W INFRARED SMART Radiant Panels

  • The front panel is made of pickled plate sheet powder-coated.
  • The casing is made of non-corrosive plate sheet, assuring heat reflection to the front panel.
  • Lifetime monitoring LED
  • Standard colors: white, black.
  • The material of the heating element is provided by the company Kanthal from Sweden
  • All panel models are provided with metallic frames.
  • Panels are delivered with fastening elements already assembled.
  • Protection level IP60

Sizes: 930 x 800 x 37
Total power: 750W
Input voltage: 230 V
Warranty period: 4 ani

1200W INFRARED SMART Radiant Panels

  • The front panel is made of pickled plate sheet powder-coated.
  • The casing is made of non-corrosive plate sheet, assuring heat reflection to the front panel.
  • Lifetime monitoring LED
  • Standard colors: white, black.
  • The material of the heating element is provided by the company Kanthal from Sweden
  • All panel models are provided with metallic frames.
  • Panels are delivered with fastening elements already assembled.
  • Protection level IP60

Sizes 930 x 800 x 37
Total power: 1200W
Input voltage: 230 V
Warranty period: 4 years

Warranties and lifetime

SC Prisma Info SRL offers for the Smart panel range of products a warranty of 4 years starting on the purchase date.

The lifetime is practically unlimited, because our company provides spare parts for reparations during post-warranty period.

The reparations during warranty and post-warranty are executed at the company’s head office or by distributors accepted by Prisma Company.

The duration of repairs is of maximum one day.

Sizing methods of Radiant Panels

Sizing is done according to the volume of the space to be heated.

The volume to be heated is calculated, and then according to the usage of the room, the following power coefficients are used, determined according to Stefan Bolzmann’s law:

  • Kitchens – 30 W/mcub
  • Bedrooms – 35 W/mcub
  • Living room, dining room, bathrooms, inside terraces – 40 W/mcub

The following adjustments are applied to these coefficients:

  • If there is no external insulation – it is applied a 5% coefficient
  • If there are 2 external walls – it is added a 10% coefficient
  • Location towards North – it is added 15%
  • Classic windows – it is added 10%


We take for example a bedroom that has the following sizes: (length) L – 5 m, (width) l – 3 m, (height) h – 2.5 m

We have S= L x l = 15 m², V=37.5 m³

Power necessary, Pn = 37.5 x 35 = 1312 W

If there is no external insulation, it is added 5%, Pn = 1312 x 105% = 1377.6 W

Necessary panels: we have 2 alternatives, according to fitting possibilities:

a. 2 panels of 750 W = 1500 W
b. 1 panel of 1200 W + 1 panel of 350 W = 1550 W

The calculation has been made for an external temperature of -18 degrees Celsius and inside temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.

Note: When sizing there is a danger of occurring undersizings, that is the tendency of installing smaller panels than for the necessary power, which leads to using Radiant Panels with a lesser power than the necessary one, that entails a long functioning of the panels leading to supplementary costs related to electricity. When sizing correctly, a Radiant Panels system runs between 3 and 8 hours per day, depending on the external temperature. The better the insulation of the space to be heated, the less is the heat waste, and the energy consumption is more reduced.

ATTENTION!!! There are various Radiant Panels dealers on the market who in order to cope with the price competition concerning our panels, make undersizings misleading customers as to thermal necessities of a space. There are other emerging businesses that sell wall convectors recommending them as Radiant Panels. Each heating system has a component from the field of the other’s system. Thus, at Radiant Panels apart from the infrared radiation, which is dominant (because of the temperature from the panel surface), it is also accompanied by a small convection component. In the same way, convectors that have a reduced temperature on the surface, have also a reduced emission of infrared radiation. Under the pretence that some devices are both convectors and Radiant Panels, we are told that at first that they heat by convection and then by radiation. What would be the meaning of using at first convection, which is definitely inferior to radiation heating and only afterwards switch to infrared radiation system? Convectors, because of their low temperature on the surface, may be equipped with thermoregulators that sense the temperature inside the convector and not at all the room temperature. Radiant Panels are connected to the source of energy by means of an ambient thermostat, that sense the temperature inside the room. Panels with long wavelength radiation, the so-called Far Infrared panels, cannot be equipped with thermoregulators or thermostats, due to the high temperature on their surface that varies between 100 and 450 degrees Celsius.

SMART Radiant Panels, in standard version, are painted in white and equipped with white frame, or they are black and with stainless steel frame.

All SMART panels are equipped with a signaling system regarding the functioning.

On demand panels may be painted with a special thermoresistant dyestuff or decorated with thermoresistant tape on which may be printed any image.

Protector industrial panels
Protector industrial panels have the casing made of pickled powder-coated plate sheet or electroplated sheet. On customer’s demand it can be manufactured of stainless steel sheet also.

Industrial panels are equipped with a radiant mirror of stainless steel which assures a uniform distribution of infrared radiation. The temperature around the heating element may reach up to 450 degrees Celsius.

Protector panels assure an efficient, uniform and directed heating. They may be used for heating industrial halls, agricultural buildings, fitness rooms, design workshops, churches.

They may be installed up to 15 m heights. The accumulation of heat in floors, walls or other surfaces helps maintaining the sensation of warmth and leads to the possibility of cost reduction concerning electricity up to 25%.

The advantages of heating with radiant industrial panels are the following:

  • Possibility of maintaining a temperature of the air up to 6 degrees more reduced than the conventional heating
  • Concentration of warmth on certain areas
  • Because of the ambient thermostat installed the periods of overheating may be avoided
  • As there are not parts in movement, maintenance costs are reduced
  • They may be installed to great heights
  • Solid design

Prisma Info Company manufactures the following constructional variants of protector panels:

1000W Protector Industrial Heater

  • are intended for heating extended areas for example: industrial halls, repair workshops, automobile repair workshops, car washes, sport halls, etc
  • the casing may be manufactured of zinc-plated sheet, stainless steel sheet, or powder-coated.
  • the protector industrial panel is an open radiant panel type, being equipped with a reflecting surface assembled behind the heating element.
  • protection degree IP60
  • it is placed at heights between 4 – 6 m, considering that the minimum distance from the heater to the object about to be heated must be of minimum 80 cm

Sizes 1250 x 200 x 80 mm
Total power: 1000W
Input voltage: 110/230/400V
Warranty period: 2 years

2000W Protector Industrial Heater

  • are intended for heating extended areas for example: industrial halls, repair workshops, automobile repair workshops, car washes, sport halls, etc
  • the casing may be manufactured of zinc-plated sheet, stainless steel sheet, or powder-coated
  • the protector industrial panel is an open radiant panel type, being equipped with a reflecting surface assembled behind the heating element.
  • protection degree IP60
  • it is placed at heights between 4 – 6 m, considering that the minimum distance from the heater to the object about to be heated must be of minimum 80 cm

Sizes 1250 x 200 x 80 mm
Total power: 2000W
Input voltage: 110/230/400V
Warranty period: 2 years

3000W Protector Industrial Heater

  • are intended for heating extended areas for example: industrial halls, repair workshops, automobile repair workshops, car washes, sport halls, etc
  • the casing may be manufactured of zinc-plated sheet, stainless steel sheet, or powder-coated.
  • the protector industrial panel is an open radiant panel type, being equipped with a reflecting surface assembled behind the heating element.
  • protection degree IP60
  • it is placed at heights between 4 – 6 m, considering that the minimum distance from the heater to the object about to be heated must be of minimum 80 cm

Sizes 1250 x 200 x 80 mm
Total power: 3000W
Input voltage: 230/400V
Warranty period: 2 years

4500W Protector Industrial Heater

  • are intended for heating extended areas for example: industrial halls, repair workshops, automobile repair workshops, car washes, sport halls, etc
  • the casing may be manufactured of zinc-plated sheet, stainless steel sheet, or powder-coated.
  • the protector industrial panel is an open radiant panel type, being equipped with a reflecting surface assembled behind the heating element.
  • protection degree IP60
  • it is placed at heights between 4 – 6 m, considering that the minimum distance from the heater to the object about to be heated must be of minimum 80 cm

Sizes 1250 x 300 x 80 mm
Total power: 4500W
Input voltage: 400V
Warranty period: 2 years

Fitting indications: Protector panels are equipped with 4 mounting supports which are on the back of the panel, that allows us to assemble it on ceilings by means of fitting clamps or fitting chains.

Minimum assembling distances are:

  • Distance from side walls to the panel: 500 mm
  • Minimum distance to inflammable material or people: 1500 mm
  • Minimum distance to the floor: 2300 mm
  • Minimum distance to the fitting support (ceiling): 300 mm

It may be installed also on side walls, the tilt angle of the panel as to vertical being given of the area that has to be heated.

The warranty period is 2 years, and for post-warranty Prisma company provides all the necessary exchange parts.

Radiant Panels with quart tubes

SC Prisma Info manufactures 3 types of radiant heaters with quart tubes:

Ibiza panel – 650 W

Turbo panel for terrace with fan – 1950 W

Infra radiator – 1300 W

Ibiza Quart Heater

It is a very economical heater for medium and small size spaces. It has a wide applicability, it may be used successfully in local heating of beds for infants, of places for swaddling, above working benches, small size bathrooms, garages, etc.

Sizes: 550x110x60 Power: 650W
Input voltage: 230 V
Warranty period: 24 months

Infrared Quart Radiator

3 heating levels

It is a very economical heater for medium size spaces. Due to the use of quart tubes it may be used also in rooms having humidity over the normal limit, such as bathrooms.

Power: 1200W
Input voltage: 230 V
Warranty period: 24 months

Turbo Heating Panel For Terrace

  • fan with a higher heating power
  • quart resistor
  • 3 power levels

It has very good results in heating small and medium size terraces, houses and cottages, as well as balconies in blocks of flats. It has been designed with the intent of prolonging the pleasant time spent on the terrace also after the beginning of the fall and while waiting springtime. It offers a higher heating power due to the embedded fan that may be stopped or started according to needs.

Power: 650W / 1300W / 1950W 230V
Warranty period: 24 months

The 3 constructional types of heaters are equipped with quart tubes manufactured by EVEREL Company Italy, which provides high quality and reliable products.

The stainless steel mirror installed behind the tubes assures a good direction of radiations.

Radiant Panels with quart tubes are intended for heating:

  • Bathrooms
  • Balconies
  • Restaurant terraces
  • Well aimed areas such as above the beds for infants or swaddling tables.

It assures a good zonal heating in big size rooms.

This type of Radiant Panels may be doubly controlled, manually operated or by thermostat.

Because of the fact that they heat up almost instantly (about 10 seconds) they are successfully used to reduce the electricity consumption especially in bathrooms, where they can be started when entering the bathrooms and stopped when exiting.

The turbo terrace panel is equipped with a fan of which purpose is to accelerate the release of the radiated temperature. When the cold season ends it may be used only as a fan.

The turbo terrace panel is equipped with a simple switch for fan and a double switch, which allows its usage on 3 power levels of 650 W, 1300 W and 1950 W.

These two types of heaters may be installed both on the ceiling and on walls.

The Infra radiator due to its special construction which allows its positioning on the floor, it may be used also as local heater in certain zones with limited volume; for example, under the office desks in rooms with deficient temperature in the floor.

The Infra radiator is equipped with 2 switches that allow to be adjusted on 2 power levels of 650 W, respectively 1300 W.

On customer’s demand our company may manufacture any typo-size of panel.

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